Sunday, December 20, 2020

'Tis the season to exchange gifts....

 Carol made the "mistake" of making a blog post about how she made mincemeat from scratch to make mince tarts but was disappointed in the pastry even though she did everything she was supposed to. She was planning on giving little packages of these as gifts to friends and family but didn't feel they were up to her standard for baking. Our mothers always just bought mincemeat out of a jar so I wasn't about to pass up the opportunity to get homemade mincemeat. 

So, I suggested a trade. I would trade two Christmas Crackers for some tarts. When we talk to people around Xmas, we will be having our Christmas Crackers and wearing the silly hats, telling the lame jokes, etc. It's a long tradition in our family but I know it isn't really for them. Jim even made them last year which was really funny (he forgot to get them and then they weren't available).

We made the exchange today (very distanced). And Carol included some Scottish oat cakes she made. I had just bought some Stilton so they went perfectly with it.

And even in a Purdy's bag. I used an old Save-On plastic bag.

First bites...fabulous!

And served on plates from Limoges, France, that I got in a Thrift store in Palm Springs. So, even though no one is travelling, we can enjoy a bit of France, England, Scotland, and Palm Springs.