Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas in Paris

From "My Part-time Paris Life" Thank you, great to have these photos from Paris at Christmas!

"For many of you, I imagine Christmas in Paris sounds like a dream. I guess that’s a matter of perspective. For me, it means I’ll be separated from family for the first time in my life.

A combination of logistics, timing and, quite frankly, a raging pandemic, all informed my decision not to travel to the States for Christmas this year. It didn’t seem worth the cost, hassle, and risk for what would amount to only a few weeks (and some of that spent in quarantine). What was the point?

“It’s just one year,” my sister texted me. True, by December 26th it will be over. It’s the anticipation of a Christmas alone that is difficult, but just like that, it will be just another day. I’m well aware that there are those much less fortunate—like immigrants awaiting visas or refugees from war-torn nations—who haven’t been able to see their families for years at a time, or may never again. For me, this year amounts to no more than an inconvenience. And I won’t whine about it.

An upside to my not being in New York this year means I get to experience the lead-up to the holidays here in Paris. And even with the notable lack of bustling cafĂ© terraces (all closed due to Covid), Paris is still wonderfully festive. The French really love their Christmas and are understandably embracing it with even more fervor this year. For those of you who can’t be here, I bring you Paris at Christmastime. "

Can't go to the bar?  The bar will come to you.