Monday, December 28, 2020

Great time on Zoom with old friends.

We had a really super time with Roger and Kerry and Donna on Zoom last night. Donna, Kerry, Jim, and I all went to Killarney  High School. It really is an amazing technology. Forgot to take a photo of the screen.  Roger and Kerry came down to Palm Springs last November when we were there...ah, maybe next November we can all be there again. 

We were reminiscing about our skiing together. The four of us went to Manning Park during a mid-term break one year when we were all at UBC. We didn't have much money so rented a cheap cabin for $10 a night. It was a small one room cabin and the beds were about a foot away from each other. Well, it was cosy and we were young. We had brought up food so we didn't have to go out to dine. It was a pretty small fridge and I think just a two burner hotplate. We put the beer in the snow outside. Good thing Roger had brought a coleman stove. It came in handy on the slopes as well. We usually stopped for lunch around 2pm and and then Roger made hot rums for us. We didn't ski too long after our lunch break.

Roger, Kerry, and I all skiied but Jim didn't when I met him. We both played tennis and he golfed and I skied. So I took up golf for him and he took up skiing for me. The first time he skied we were up on Seymour (the rope tow was a dollar so as students we could afford it) and we were all about to show him how to snow plow down the slope. The next thing we knew he had taken off going straight down the hill but went off to the side where they was a gulley which he ended up falling into. He survived. 

I have some old photos of that trip somewhere.

In the morning, Jim had his his Zoom conversation with Jesuius in Spain. It was snowing in Grenada. At one point I heard him singing "Always" by Irving Berlin. Lot's of fun for him and he's making real progess with his Spanish.

Roger and Kerry have been living in Edmonton for a long time so we haven't seen them that much in recent years. We introduced them to Palm Springs many years ago and last November they rented a very cool house for a week with its own pool and pool table. Wish we all could have been there this November.