Monday, May 11, 2020

Trimble Park

We went to this neighbourhood for a walk yesterday. It's about a 7- 8 min drive and lots of those wonderful heritage homes we love looking at. We had been to the West Point Grey Lawn Bowling Club where my Grandmother Phoebe was a member but we didn't realize how big this park was and with great views of the mountains. No problem social distancing as you'll see from the photos and lots of benches and picnic tables and lots of shade trees. Next time, we'll take our Bocce balls and play and we always have our beach chairs in the trunk but there doesn't seem to be a problem getting a bench or table. Quite a difference from all the people at the beaches these days. There is lots of street parking and the parking lot for the park was open as well.

I think this will be a real treasure as the weather warms up. Warm yesterday and we could sit out on our balcony. Often too cool and windy. We are not complaining as a cool breeze has been very welcome in the summer months here.

I didn't know there was such  thing as a "climbing boulder".

No problem with social distancing here...

I guess someone told this guy to "go fly a kite"...

Anybody want a tree?

 Lovely homes and gardens in the neighbourhood.

This is for you Mary S...a monkey puzzle tree with monkeys...even an old sock monkey. Richard had one of those.

West Point Grey Lawn Bowling Clubhouse and pitches. There would have been lots of bowlers in normal times.