Monday, May 18, 2020

Happy 52nd Anniversary to us

Well, in these strange times I was wondering what we were doing last year. Well, of course, we had sold our condo in PS and were back down to do the final clean out.

Little did we know then that we would be going through the pandemic together this year at UBC. Well, life continues to be pretty amazing.

From last year's blog:

"And on this day 51 years ago in Vancouver it was a wonderfully warm sunny day...a perfect day for a wedding...ours! Then to my parent's waterfront place on Gabriola Island for a cheap honeymoon since we were still students at UBC. A friend remarked when we got home that the problem with that type of honeymoon was all the cooking and cleaning. Jim looked surprised and said, "What cooking and cleaning...that wasn't a problem." Ah yes...times haven't changed very much :)

We did a day trip to Victoria one day...little did we know we would end up living there for over forty years. Little did we know we would end up living at UBC. And little did we know we would be in Palm Springs 51 years later saying goodbye to our wonderful desert paradise.

Ah's been pretty amazing.

We're off to celebrate with dinner at Lord Fletcher's today. This was Frank Sinatra's favourite haunt and we got rather interested in it after seeing the film, "Frank Sinatra in Palm Springs".

It's a place for the older crowd and would you believe the couple at the next table were celebrating their 64th Anniversary.

And in 2005. We were in France.

And my post in 2010

And in 2008, we were on a plane from Texas to Vancouver after spending a month in Austin. Jim was doing research at the Harry Ransom Center. Roger and Kerry joined us in Austin for the last week we were there. We had rented quite a large house. We all came back on the same plane to Calgary and they headed to Edmonton and we headed to Victoria. Initially, Jim and I couldn't get the same flight together on that leg of the trip becasue we had changed our flights to go back with Roger and Kerry because  Don Curling was very ill. We got on the same flight in the end and when they heard it was our anniversary, they upgraded us to First Class.

All of us in front of the Alamo in San Antonio.