Thursday, May 07, 2020

Sunset the other night...and Paris

And I loved this little video that Lisa Anselmo posted on her blog Wednesday:

Anything Goes Wednesday is here!  Something short and sweet: A little video I made for my mom of one of my trips to Paris. In the time before I had my apartment, I used to come to Paris twice a year and stay in a wonderful hotel near the Rue de Bac Métro called the Hotel K+K Cayré. After nearly ten years of visits, I became pretty close to all the staff there. I found this video yesterday while backing up my Paris photos, and had a twinge of nostalgia. I remember making it with a then new movie editing program while sitting at my mother’s kitchen table, 2007 or so. It’s a little homemade and the old resolution doesn’t quite fit today’s specs, but here it is.