Thursday, May 21, 2020

Ding Ho

Today is going to be a Doordash dinner. We may go with Chinese food. Probably the very first Chinese food I had was picking up at the Ding Ho. I believe this was when my brother got his driver's licence so it was possible. It seemed very exotic to us but of course it was Chinese food that appealed to Canadians. You couldn't beat the price for what you got at the time but at our local food court (now closed) we would share a 4 item como for $10.  Pizza took quite a while to come to town. I don't think either my parents or Jim's parents ever had pizza or Chinese food in their lives and they all lived a farily long time. 

Jim's parents loved going to Seto's which was close to them when they lived on Killarney Street. It was a Chinese restaurant but had a huge Western menu. Their favourite was liver and onions for $1.95. This was in the 70's and they would take us out to dinner there when we were in town from Victoria. I always got the Chinese Buffet (well, buffets will be a thing of the past). Jim usually got a T-bone steak which was only about $7. These Chinese restaurants certainly knew how to give value. I wonder how they did it.