Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Expanding our world

Donna is really pleased that we'll be closer to each other and be able to get to lectures, plays and concerts out UBC way.  UBC has an adult continuing education department with lots of interesting offerings but seniors can take any...yes "any" regular course offered at UBC for free!  It is up to the prof and space available but we know people who have taken loads of things there.  Jim already has his eye on a Spanish Film  course.  And he just got a line on a UBC Spanish Club.

I already want to go to something at the Chan Centre but it's right at the time when we'll be moving so I'll pass on this one.  This came through the Alumni News I get on email.  I usually don't pay too much attention to these events since going out to UBC was a bit of a trek.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017 | 7:30 pm
The Chan Centre for the Performing Arts
One of the most celebrated public thinkers of our time, the multi-award-winning and bestselling author Salman Rushdie discusses his latest, brilliant epic, The Golden House, at this special Vancouver Writers Fest event sponsored by alumni UBC and UBC Library. Use promo code ubcalum to save $5 off tickets.

And there is the wonderful Museum of Anthropology that we will join now.  I could spend hours and hours just there.  I have signed up to explore being a volunteer there as well.

I love this piece!

The West Point Grey Lawn Bowling Club looks like they have lots of social events and are welcoming new members.   My grandmother Fleming was a regular at that club and was usually on winning teams.  I remember her telling me that the winners used to get a pound of tea and then they cut it to a half pound due to increased costs.

I guess they had croquet at one the tea cosies!

And Jim just discovered another pub very close where the UBC Spanish Club sometimes meets.  It's called Mahony and Sons and I see they have lots of specials and great sounding food...including Buck -a-Shuck specials...yum, yum, yum.  And it looks like they have music too!