Thursday, April 16, 2020

Interesting what is going on in Japan

View over Tokyo 

Well, these are certainly interesting times and quite fascinating to hear about how some other countries are doing things.

This from "My Part Time Paris Life" from her friend in Tokyo:

So, what’s lockdown like in Tokyo? “It’s interesting,” Matthew says. “The Japanese have a distaste for fascism after two world wars, so there’s no legal structure for the government to enforce a “lockdown” in the post-WW2 constitution.” They use the word “jishuku,” which means “self-restraint” to encourage the general population to honor quarantine, and they apply local business laws to restrict business hours for bars and restaurants.
“You can go to the park with friends, but the police might ask you to stand further apart from each other. They do not have the right to arrest or fine us.”
Despite the dense population of Japan, their numbers remain much lower than Europe or the U.S., and have only just recently adopted a nationwide quarantine. But the rules seem more lax than here in France. Matthew can go to a restaurant anytime before 8 p.m. and have a (seemingly) normal meal sitting at normal distances. And the metro can still be crowded during rush hour, though nothing like what it was on a normal day. Schools have been closed, and Matthew has been teaching from home for the past three weeks. His work keeps him busy, but for someone who is as social as Matthew is, used to entertaining regularly, lockdown is especially hard. “And with my family in another country, I feel quite isolated.”