Saturday, November 30, 2019

Block it!

I've always felt somewhat dismayed by all the Black Friday mania for buying stuff and have never participated. I love this idea!

"While some people spend today shopping (or doing some well-deserved kicking back), others will be taking part in climate strikes around the world. The protests are part of Fridays for Future, a youth-led movement inspired by Swedish activist Greta Thunberg. The groups hope to capitalize on the momentum of September protests, which drew about 7.5 million people worldwide. Some protesters aim to tie the whole Black Friday madness into their demonstrations: One group says it's planning to wheel empty shopping carts en masse in a New York City store to invite customers to pause their purchasing and consider the environmental impact of consumerism. After today's protests, the movement has its sights set on a December event to coincide with the COP25 environmental summit in Madrid."

And meanwhile in Palm Springs...lots of snow on the mountains.

Photo by Hal Castle