Friday, November 08, 2019

A new place for us...

I want to try new places along with the old favourites, of course.

Jerry, a neighbour from our old place and who we saw at the pool the other day, mentioned Mr. Lyons as a good place for Happy Hour. We have passed it every year we've been coming to PS which we realize now is 13 years not counting Jim's first visit with his Upland's Golf Course partner, Hans. We have Hans to thank for introducing us to PS.

It seems like a pretty expensive place outside Happy Hour. On the regular menu is something called  M and M at $500.00...yeah, you read right. Apparently, it is a group meal for around 6 people with all their best meats and a magnum of champagne. We couldn't get a straight answer whether it was French Champagne or not.

We each had a $6 red wine...excellent, and we split a prime rib dinner for $19...happy hour size about 6 oz. It came with a baked potato and all the trimmings. It was perfect for us and the bar was great. All the staff were super. We'll be back.