Thursday, January 14, 2021

Books, books, books....

My "young" bookclub is certainly keeping reading books alive.  I'm posting Danielle's email as there are lots of interesting books mentioned and a couple of Trump related things. BTW, you can access the one on Kanopy through Vancouver Public Library with your library card. They have lots of other films too.

Hello readers,

Thank you for the wonderful discussion tonight.  We have decided on a date for our next book club meeting: Saturday February 27 @ 1pm.   I will send out a reminder and link shortly before hosting this meeting but should note that it may be via Google Meet to ensure we have enough time for a discussion (it will be similar to zoom whereby you just click a link).  If this is the case, then it may be that you might need to download the app prior to the meeting if you will be joining via phone/ipad.

At this time we have yet to decide on a book but these four were being considered tonight.

Through the looking glass by Lewis Carol

Indians on vacation by Thomas King
Tyll by Daniel Kehlmann
The memory Police by Yoko Ogawa

I am going to make the executive decision that if we haven't heard anyone's preference by this Sunday, that we should go ahead with "Through the looking glass".  I think we may all be able to accomplish reading it during a shorter month (even with a small baby in hand 😁 ) and it will likely be available from the library.  

Other books and content that were discussed this evening includes:
My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferante  
The general theory of Oblivion by Jose Eduardo Agualusa
Less by Andrew Sean Greer
We are all completely beside ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler
The spirit level: Why greater equality makes societies stronger by  Richard wilkinson and Kate pickett
Enduring Love by Ian McEwan
Homebody by Rupi Kaur
Commitment by Elizabeth Gilbert
Come Thou Tortoise by Jessica Grant
The Photographer's wife by Nick Alexander
The Dutch House by Anne Patchett
Ragged company by Richard wagamese
Hamnet and Judith by Maggie O'Farrell
Peace and good order by Harold Johnson
The glass Hotel by Emily St John Mandel

Rising commentary about impeachment of donald trump

There was also mention of potentially deciding on a few books ahead of time for our meetings so that we can prepare for our next meetings.  Perhaps come with a book in mind to suggest and we can schedule books in for the next few meetings.

Take good care for now!