Saturday, January 09, 2021

Art Portfolio

While I was doing some organizing and cleaning up my closets I came across my art portfolio with paintings I had done on watercolour paper. Most are early paintings done in France since paper was easier to transport than canvases. I had most of these framed and displayed in our basement in our home but just not room for them all in an apartment. There are lots more than even in these jumble photos of them.

Donna suggested I should put some up for a while and change them...good idea!

These are the first two I will put up. I found some old frames.

The one on the left is from Jim's first year teaching in the south of France in 2002. It's called "Paule's Orange Tree".  We stayed with this couple for a few nights before we found our apartment in Carqueiranne and she had this lovely orange tree and made wonderful marmalade  from her oranges. 
This was late Janurary and the first time we had been in the south of France at that time so had never seen the orange and lemon trees bearing fruit.

She gave us lots and also some wonderful tulips. The tulips of Carqueiranne are very famous for being very large and strong. The town crest has tulips on the design. There are fields and fields of them. You don't really associate the south of France with tulips but there you go. The one on the right is of course my wonderful  Campaniles de Provence.