Sunday, December 22, 2019

Sun, beautiful sun, finally!

It's been so dreary lately.

Today I was going to put on my red plaid like tablecloth I always use at Christmas but when the sun came out I chose this one with a lavender theme I bought in the market in Carqueiranne. I couldn't resist taking photos of the sun shining on things!

And then I made shortbread for the first time ever. My mom didn't really do any Christmas baking but she did make shortbread. I don't ever remember watching her doing it or being asked to participate in the process. I realize now it's rather like making mudpies (at least in the recipe I used ) so I would have loved it as a kid. Jim isn't a fan of shortbread so I just got into buying a bit and I would get gifts of Christmas baking from bakers extraordinare like Fern.

They seemed to turn out ok but did take much longer to bake than the recipe called for. Well, they are more like 1/2 inch than the 1/4 inch that was in the recipe.

I couldn't find any cookie cutters so used a wine glass.