Saturday, December 07, 2019

Libraries in Canada

Our Vancouver main branch is among the top 7....way to go VPL!

Libraries are far from boring old buildings that simply house books. Many are architectural masterpieces that serve as community hubs, offering weekly classes and events, quiet work spaces and of course give access to more reading material than any one human could go through in a lifetime. Libraries are important spaces in any city or town, and though we often take their presence for granted, Canada is home to some impressive ones.
Earlier this year, Calgary’s shiny new Central Library was named one of Time magazine’s Greatest Places of 2019, thrusting it into the global spotlight not long after opening its doors. And out east, stepping inside the Halifax Central Library feels more like a glossy Apple Store than a stuffy home for hard- and soft-covers.
Read on to discover seven of the most impressive libraries in Canada that you’ll surely want to visit.