Wednesday, December 25, 2019

All the traditions in place....

Well, this is a new one...Jim creating the Christmas crackers.

Initially, all I got for Jim was this one book of stories from the West End. Then I saw him come in with a big heavy bag of books he got for me so since he mentioned Christmas Eve morning that he would cook if he had a food processor, I went on Amazon and got assured delivery by 9pm. It arrived around 5pm...amazing!

An even them all!  In the past 6 years Jim has been getting very cheap second hand books in Palm Spring at the various library book nooks so was a little surprised at the prices. But it's great to support bookstores.  When he was in Kestrel Books, a woman came in to buy a set of something and she said to the owner, "I know you have it marked down to $35 but it's worth the $50 you had it at and that's what I'm giving you."

And it wouldn't be Christmas without my peanut brittle.

And it wouldn't be Christmas without the empty table photo!

And the Christmas crackers await....