Sunday, December 15, 2019

Jane Austen meeting

"Dec. 14:  Our annual birthday tribute to Jane Austen and special Christmas celebration. We will welcome special guest Justin Newell, Art Historian, Fine Artist: Painter and Photographer to discuss British artists who were Austen contemporaries including John Constable, Sir Thomas Lawrence and Joseph Mallord William Turner and, as a contrast, William Blake.
As usual we will enjoy a special festive meal featuring a baked ham and all the trimmings. Please bring a savoury dish to accompany the meal or a sweet offering to add to the birthday cake served with wine for the birthday toast."
It was a great meeting and Justin Newell was a wonderful speaker. So much yummy food and I even won a prize...a keychain with a photo of Chawton House.

These folks were singing Christmas carols.

Our speaker.

And it was a great day for Jim as he got the recliner he has been wanting for his bedroom...$198 on Amazon and free shipping. And this lamp from Canadian Tire for $24.

Theses are copies of paintings Huxley did.