Monday, May 07, 2018


Richard got his DNA a number of years ago. At the time he just told us it came in "Northern European".  I didn't know he also got percentages. I didn't quite understand how this worked and thought that Indigenous peoples weren't in the databases when he did it. So, my romantic idea of thinking I had some Indigenous blood is no more. I got thinking this way when we were in Poland and the family we were visiting commented on my long black hair and dark complexion (this was 1976) and asked if I was "part Indian". We found Europeans were quite fascinated by Indigenous people. The Fleming side of my family has been in Canada for around 300 years and it would be quite likely there would have been some inter-marriage of that sort.

I have ordered DNA kits for Jim and I.  I'm a little surprised at the French and German percentage. I am guessing that will turn up in mine since Sweden,  where my maternal grandmother was born, isn't too far away. From what Jim knows, he will probably be 100% (well, other than the .1% Africa which everyone in the world is) British Isles.