Monday, January 20, 2020

Sunbeam Alpine


Susan K. did this really cool sketch of our 1964 Sunbean Alpine...our first convertible. I just love the sketch!...thanks, Susan! We bought this when Richard was 5 years old (he's now 42) We drove it for quite a while and since then we had convertibles for our second car. Well, in Vancouver, we hardly need one car so no more convertibles. The Chrysler Le Baron was the best. We didn't care that much for the Mustang which was our last one. It was really hard keeping the Alpine running but we had a lot of fun with it. We've rented a convertible for our time in Palm Springs in March just for old times sake.

Susan likes to give credit for the photo she draws from so I had to find a photo of it. Not an easy task since my photos are in a rather random order. I found this one and also one of the dashboard. It's parked in the driveway on Dewdney and looks like it's Spring because of the cherry blossoms. While I was going through the photos I picked out some and have framed them. It's fun to have them around.