Friday, December 31, 2021

Polar Bear Swim online this year

I guess it's a combination of the expected cold and the virus. We have never participated but did watch it from our balcony when we had the apartment on Beach Avenue.

 Frankly, it’s hard to argue with that. Difficult to enjoy a polar bear dip when you have to crack through several inches of ice first.

Here’s how the New Year’s Day tradition is playing out in various communities:


There will be no event at English Bay on Jan. 1. The annual Polar Bear Swim is an online offering where you’re invited to fill a kiddie pool or something similar with cold water (recommended, 7 degrees C), jump in and post the shocking results for all to wince at.

Share your video and photo online with the hashtag #VanPolarBearSwim and register for a commemorative certificate. You can also email a photo or video to to get a swim club button (for Canadian residents only).
