Friday, December 10, 2021

From: Gates Notes (yes, that's Bill Gates)


I subscribe to this and enjoy his offerings on all sorts of things. This one asked what was the course most failed by students. No surprise to me and probably many others that it is algebra. I never failed it but just thought it was rather pointless and not interesting. I would have loved this!

"Mastory is a German-Hungarian startup that is developing interactive storyline games to help students understand why Algebra is relevant for solving real world problems. Using a mobile phone app, students will be immersed in a real-time sci-fi adventure involving a professor, a research vessel in search of whales, and aliens. Along the way, students will use the Algebraic concepts they are learning in their classroom to find solutions to the challenges experienced in the story. The goal is to keep students engaged and motivated by helping them grasp math at an emotional level."

I think I mentioned this before and perhaps even recently:) My very dear friend, Elaine, loved Math because there was a right answer. I loved things that didn't have a right answer.