Monday, December 27, 2021

Desmond Tutu...a truly amazing man

I feel very thankful and humble for his work and sacrifices and for his wonderful thoughts about forgiveness. 

"Desmond Tutu showed us that we can triumph over history.

Resentment and vengeance were not for him. As apartheid fell, he set his nation on a more profound path: freedom and forgiveness.

To Archbishop Tutu, forgiveness and reconciliation were the "only truly viable alternatives to revenge, retribution and reprisal".

"Without forgiveness," he said, "there is no future".

Together with Nelson Mandela — South Africa's first black president — Desmond Tutu sought to unite and heal his nation.

Archbishop Tutu, who died on Sunday, headed a truth and reconciliation commission, significantly not a truth and justice commission. The difference is critical. He did not seek to punish. But the truth would be heard."