Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Sunset tonight....I just love our view...all of Vancouver Island!

Nice to have a soothing sunset as it's been a very stressful time with all the stuff we need to do with the sale and also to worry about the sale going through. Things are looking pretty positive but the California buyer holds all the cards. Escrow let us know today that the Indian Lease papers will arrive tomorrow (Wednesday) and it's absoultely mandatory they are signed and notarized in the US immediately so going to Blaine Thursday.

Good thing about that is Linda and Cec have offered to drive us!  They know the whole drill of the border really well since they go down to the US every week for gas and know exactly where we need to meet the notaries.  It will be great to see them and not have to think about anything once we get to their place. We usually can manage that...