Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Now, this must be the funniest April Fool's joke I've experienced.

The librarians at the Toronto Public Library must have a wicked sense of humour....who knew?

And I was completely taken in!

I picked this up on FB. They have this little video on how you can borrow a cat for three weeks to enhance your reading pleasure and show someone taking a cat home in a carrier. They mention dogs are coming soon...now then I should have twigged!  I was thinking I'll have to suggest this to Rancho Mirage Library. Well, it was the morning.

It was also the morning when Richard played his infamous April Fool's joke on me by making it look like everything was erased on my hard drive....

When you click on the link for more information:

UPDATE: Happy April Fools' Day! Sorry you won’t be able to get a cat at the library, but please do consider adopting a pet through the City of Toronto's Animal Services. 

So, a great April Fool's joke and a plug for adopting pets....purrfect.
