Friday, April 19, 2019

Notre Dame 2

I knew I had a photo of Jim and me and Don and Elaine in front of Notre Dame when they came to visit us in Carqueiranne in 2005. We also went to Paris and Brussels and of course all around the little villages in the south of France. I did find the photo but I also found this painting which I had completely forgotten I had done and I no longer have it. I have given away a lot of my paintings so if one of my blog readers has it, please tell me. I don't think I would have thrown it out although I didn't particularly like it.

From my blog post in 2003:

More things to post from my "Oak Bay Dump Collection" and also did a couple of paintings based on pictures I took of my beloved Notre Dame Cathedral when we were in Paris in March. However, something is wrong with our connection so I can't post images at the moment. Having to use Jim's unfriendly non-Mac at the moment. 

I did find the photo of the four us in front of Notre Dame....sadly, Don and Elaine and Notre Dame are no longer with us.

More good stuff:

"An association of Polish rabbis says that they are “broken hearted” over the damage inflicted by fire on Notre Dame Cathedral.
In a letter sent on Thursday to Polish bishops, they said “We as Jews know what it means to see your house of worship burning. We still fast every year on the anniversary of the burning of the Temple in Jerusalem 2,000 years ago. We, here in Poland, also remember the burning and destructions of our synagogues during WWII.”
The rabbis went on to say that “these experiences have made us very sensitive and aware of the pain and horror of the destruction of any house of worship.”
Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki, the head of the Polish Roman Catholic episcopate, thanked Michael Schudrich, Chief Rabbi of Poland, to thank him for the letter and the support."