Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Trump's condradictory tweets on Flip Flops

This is just the coolest business idea and the guy sold out his stock in a month. Hey, there must be a whole industry waiting cashing in on Trump's stupidity. There is certainly no shortage of material.

Sam Morrison likes to create thought-provoking art. 
In high school, he made silk-screen shirts and decks of cards with secret compartments inside. But over the last several years, most of his projects were digital — that is, until he had the idea to make physical flip flops out of President Trump's tweets. 
"Take a scroll through Donald Trump's 40,000 tweets and you're sure to catch some contradicting opinions," Morrison told Business Insider over email. "I wanted to highlight this hypocrisy." 
Morrison had a full-time job in the advertising industry at the time, but he got to work on producing his flip flops. He sourced his own materials and printed and packaged every flip flop by hand.