Friday, January 25, 2019

Memory on FB 6 years ago...sounds like I had a bad cold then...

Happy Robbie Burns Day!
Don got the idea of celebrating Robbie Burns Day many years ago and we began with a dinner at their place with haggis, scotch eggs, cock a leekie, soup and the like. Don asked Jim to come prepared to recite the ode to the Haggis. Well, he not only did that, he borrowed a kilt and regalia from Bill Thomas and went the whole hog (Bill eventually gave JIm a kilt outfit). We exchanged doing this at each other's homes for a number of years and then we began to attend the event at the Union Club. Great fun, great entertainment, and great food!
I hope to have a tiny dram of scotch tonight to raise a glass to Robbie Burns. It will be small, though, given this wretched relapse I've had.
Photo of the piping in of the haggis.