Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Memory on FB six years ago

 I can't believe we just arrived a week today in Vancouver and we've managed to go already to several of our favourite haunts. Fish and Chips and Red Truck Ale at the Sylvia, Bento box at Denman Sushi, Mussel Mania at Granville Island preceded by roasted chestnuts, sake and plum wine tasting and followed by buying goodies like salmon jerky for our dinner party Saturday.

Then Olympia Pizza...me for the calamari lunch, Jim for the lamb. We love the
Olympia but were sad to see Maria's Taverna has gone out of business. We enjoyed that too. Then down to Commercial Drive today....super day on the Drive beginning with lunch at Nick's....me, the veal and salad, Jim, the steak and spaghetti washed down with lots of wine. Met an interesting guy as we were finishing so bought him a drink and listened to tales of his travels in the Orient. I had a sambuco...perfect ending. Then went to see if old Morgan the cat was still around. He's over 25 and sleeps in this store but he only does half days now so had gone for the day. Glad he's still going strong!

Photos self explanatory, I think...

Comment today:  I can't believe we did all this in a week but then we were younger six years ago:)