Saturday, January 19, 2019

Thinking of pleasanter things...

Jim has come down with a terrible cold and I now have it but not as bad so far. I usually get off more lightly than Jim does with these things. We've had to cancel all social engagements since we really don't want to infect anyone and we''re pretty weak. We do hope to see Richard and Grace before we leave next Friday but they are going to Kauai Jan 30 for a week with friends so we certainly don't want them to get sick.

It looks lovely!

This is now a week and these tulips are still going strong. The only other tulips that lasted so long were Carqueiranne tulips but those were grown in a field and were like little trees. Carqueiranne is famous for tulips and tulips are on the city crest. This isn't the complete crest...can't seem to get that but you can see the tulips and the plow.

You can see some of our Provence poster here with all the things we love, the cypress pines,  olive trees, palm trees, the Mediterranean. Jim was asked today to do the keynote address for the Huxley conference in April 2020 in Toulon. He's feeling pretty miserable so that gave him a lift.

And it also gave him a lift to have home made lasagna.  I was going to make this Saturday when Grace and Richard were coming for dinner but thought I might as well make it Friday.