Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Rancho Mirage Library opens...

I guess these protocols might be in place if our Vancouver libraries open.


It seems the "Takeout" service at VPL  couldn't accept any more requests due to demand after two days.

Your love for VPL Takeout is (literally) overwhelming

Due to overwhelming demand, we are unable to accept new VPL Takeout orders at this time. As we work to fill existing VPL Takeout orders, we will be exploring more options to meet your library needs.
If you have an appointment confirmed, we look forward to seeing you at your scheduled pickup time!
If you have submitted a request and haven’t heard from us yet, thank you for your patience. We will call you soon to schedule a pickup appointment.
Please continue to check back for updates as we work to reopen some VPL locations with limited service over the summer.