Friday, June 05, 2020

Lunch at The Sylvia yesterday with Maureen!

It was great to be back at The Sylvia having lunch while viewing English Bay and my freighters. A limited menu but I got salt and pepper chicken wings since I've been so missing those from our University Golf Club happy hour. And a real treat...a Red Truck Pale Ale. We just can't seem to get that anywhere except The Sylvia.

All photos taken from inside the Sylvia's dining area. I took these photos just before noon when I arrived. They had pretty much a full house in about an hour...well, as full as it could be. It felt about the same as normal dining here as on a weekday afternoon not in the summer, it usually wouldn't be full.  Good idea not to take the tables out that weren't in use.

Normally, the English Bay slide would be in view now.

This is our favourite table but it had a "not in use" sign.