Friday, July 05, 2019


One of the things I like about bookclubs is that I end up reading books I probably wouldn't have read for various reasons. Fever is my Brock House bookclub choice for July and I probably wouldn't have read it. It's very long at 550 pages or so and about a world after most people have died because of a fever. It takes place in Africa and is about a community that forms that tries to be good. I read about 100 pages before I realized the day of the bookclub coincides with the day Katey and David are visiting from London and Liz, Richard and Grace will all come for lunch. A summer tradition and hard to change the date since they see a lot of people in a short time. While I was thinking that it was good for me to read something different I couldn't quite believe how quickly I decided to stop!

Well, it could have had something to do with Whishaw's latest novel coming up on hold and available.  I can't wait to start this.