Sunday, July 28, 2019

Bon Weekend from France

I found it quite interesting to read about the Opal Coast that she mentions and a bit surprised I hadn't heard of it before.  With seals basking on the sand no less!


Hope you had a great week.

Here it’s been sweltering as a heatwave has hit France and in my area, the top of northern France, Thursday was officially the hottest day on record and way hotter than in the south of France. My chickens dug holes all over the gardens and fluffed dirt all over themselves to keep cool and the garden now resembles the surface of the moon, craters everywhere, ready to catch me out.
There was only one thing for it – head to the beach. We have the most glorious beaches on the Opal Coast, and they’re surprisingly not that well known. Most visitors to France head straight to the south to seek the sun in Normandy and Brittany and all along the Atlantic and Mediterranean coast - they completely miss the far north. It means our beaches are rarely crowded even on the hottest days, and the seals that bask here often have the sand to themselves.

When I went on Tuesday night though, at 8 pm it was still over 30˚C and many others had the same idea as me, dinner on the sand and a cool dip in the water (see it here on Instagram, the beach I mean not me dipping, I wouldn’t do that to you!).

Despite the heat there were still queues at the friteries (chip shops) – not even the hottest weather on record stops northerners going for their chips (preferably in a baguette with a foot long saucisson)!

We’re set for a summer of sun here in France apparently, interspersed with thunderstorms like the one that’s going on at the moment as I sit here talking to you and writing posts for the website, huge drops of rain are falling, creating a miniature waterfall off the roof and onto my thirsty pot plants. 
Wishing you a very bon weekend wherever you are and I hope you enjoy this week's posts...

Bisous from France and wishing you a happy World Friendship day on 30 July. I really appreciate you subscribing to my newsletter, your messages and following me on social media...