Monday, March 25, 2019

Exterior painting

Our area is being painted this week. It will be a nuisance but I'm pleased with the new paint job in the areas that have been done. I'm glad we decided to go rather Zen in our patios and got rid of the orange tree and a lot of foliage. This would have been a problem. It was fairly easy to clear things...putting things in the middle and removing them completely. Our zero gravity loungers are very easy to bring in and out as we have room for them in our hall so we will be able to use our patio after they leave at 4pm.

Towels down by windows and patio doors in case water get in with the power washing.

The old colours...tan for the trim and an off white.

The new is a brighter white and chocolate brown for the trim.

The garage areas probably have the most dramatic change and I think it looks really good. White doors instead of the colour of the trim.

