Saturday, October 20, 2018

Itty Bitty Book Review: "Death in a Darkening Mist"

"Death in a Darkening Mist" by Iona Whishaw

I really enjoyed this second novel in the series and so glad Maureen put me onto her. We went to her talk at Brock House Thursday and she was just so entertaining. It's great she's doing so well as she certainly deserves it. Patty, you must give these a try...I think you'll love them!

Iona told us some interesting stories about her mother who isn't really Lane in the novels but certainly  has some things in common with her. Her mother was a linguist and spoke perfect German and was also very beautiful. In WW II she worked as a spy while living in Latvia entertaining German military officers to get information. And some other adventures with her mother that were quite amusing. Iona has had an interesting life!