Saturday, June 30, 2018

Itty Bitty Book Review: "Barkskins"

"Barkskins" by Annie Proulx

Yes...back again with "Barkskins "...after I thought I'd left it behind.  I was very pleased to get a place in the Brock House bookclub as the group has been closed to new members as they want to keep the group to a reasonable number for discussion. So, a place became available but what they were reading is this novel I left off reading last Fall at around page 550. Well,  I did finish it  this time (all 711 pages) and while I did appreciate the amazing writing and what she is trying to do, it does fall short in terms of being just too long and too preachy,  My views were pretty much those of the other bookclub members but most did appreciate the writing and the message.

This new bookclub is a lively group and I look forward to future discussions.