Monday, June 25, 2018

Enjoying a cold one in the sunshine at Jericho Sailing Club

A great view and always fun to see so many people enjoying various water sports.

We were sitting beside some young people with Irish accents.  There seem to be quite a few young people from Ireland in Vancouver.  I picked up this on Reddit:

"There's a bunch of Irish students who came over for the summer. It used to be the thing in Ireland to get a J1 and head to the US for the summer but in recent times the process (and maybe the expense) of getting a J1 has become very onerous. At the same time, the Canadian Working Holiday Visa has become more available - they used to be snapped up in minutes but now Ireland doesn't use the full allocation, so enter the students. The WHV is actually valid for 2 years and you can only get 1 of them in your lifetime so any students coming here for 3 months on it are basically wasting a future opportunity.
Just to say most of them do live around Kits, I'm on a couple of Irish in Vancouver FB groups and they only seem to want to rent in Kits or the West End.
Source: am Irish too, not just here for the summer though!"

Jim checking out the water temp at the beach we plan to swim in.  Tide was quite good but still a bit chilly,