Sunday, June 03, 2018

From "The Good Life France"...and weather

"In a couple of weeks, this will be the scene in the lavendar areas of Provence

Here we’ve had every sort of weather except snow.
Thunderstorms, hail stones, blazing sunshine and torrential rain – almost every day it’s been like this. The whole of France seems to have had this strange weather, with apparently three times the normal number of storms for May. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it might lead to a dry summer as my renovation work has had to come to a halt. Wall and shutter painting and concrete mixing don’t go well with rain."


Vancouver has had the driest and warmest May on record.

Early morning swimmers at Kits Pool.

Meanwhile in Palm Springs there is an extreme heat warning....getting up to 113 F today.  I hope things cool down for them soon.