Saturday, October 30, 2021

Thinking of getting back to painting

 Arlene, a member in the Brockhouse Bookclub, mentioned she would like to learn to draw. Donna gave her the name of someone she knew who is a very good teacher. I hope it works out for her. It made me think of getting back into painting again and thinking about my first teacher of drawing in Victoria who was just perfect for me. 

She began by saying that some of you are very nervous and have already made up an excuse to leave and probably think you are going to be asked to draw something difficult. Yep, that was me. She began the class by giving us this very simple exercise. We had to copy what was in the squares. The first was a dot and the next was a circle and the rest you can see. It gave us all a lot of confidence! And then she gave out the "Popular Drawing Myths".

It started it all off for me. I was very lucky to have such a gifted teacher. My experience of doing art could have been five minutes in the class before my excuse to leave.