Friday, October 29, 2021

Eco artworks popping up for the Glasgow Climate Change conference

I loved this artwork and so pleased that it will end up in a place quite close to us.

Salmon School, Joseph Rossano

A sculpture made of 350 mirrored hand-blown glass forms is located at the heart of Cop26 in the Blue Zone area of the summit. Salmon School, a sculpture created by Joseph Rossano, reflects a basic imperative for healthy living on earth. “Cold, clean water is critical for wild salmon survival and is vanishing due to rising global temperatures, pollution, deforestation, and damming, all caused by humans,” according to a project statement.

Rossano commissioned artists and makers from across the Pacific Northwest, and in Norway, Japan, and the UK, to craft the glass objects that make up Salmon School. The piece is backed by the Missing Salmon Alliance, a group of UK-based conservation-focused organisations. The fish-based work will go on show next year at the Museum of Glass in Tacoma, Washington.

It looks like there are a lot of interesting glass works in the area: