Saturday, October 24, 2020

Itty Bitty Book Review: "Cold Skies"

 "Cold Skies" by Thomas King

I'm so glad John and Carol introducted me to Thomas King's "DreadfulWater Mysteries". I haven't read anything else by him although I do have "The Inconvenient Indian" on my Kindle. I think it was a Brock House Bookclub choice but we were probably in Palm Springs. King writes literary novels as well and "The Back of the Turtle" won the Governor General's award. He writes the mysteries for fun and relaxation. They are quirky, funny, and DreadfulWater is a great character. I think he's going to be an author I have to read everything he's written. I've bought a ticket for the Zoom Vancouver Writers Festival with him today at 6pm and really looking forward to it even though it does clash with The World Series:)