Monday, August 12, 2019

On not reading books...

I usually finish books I start but with all these books and authors mentioned in the FB group The British Bookclub I find I often don't agree with the recommenations. I am much more successful when I choose authors I've read about, reviews that appeal to me and recommenations from friends. But it is still fun to try these books and I am also reminded of authors I sort of forgot about.

Some rejects:

"The Woods" by Tana French. This seemed quite promising but then I realised I had read it and didn't like her writing after all.

"Round Ireland with a Fridge" by Tony Hawks.  This was recommended as being hilarious. I don't read much humour so that I'd give it a try and I liked the idea of experiencing all these places we visited in Ireland. I gave that one up pretty quick.

"A Darkness of the Heart" by Gail Bowen.  Not my cup of tea. Too bad because she's written a lot and they are mysteries.

"The Crossing Places" by Elly Griffiths. This seems good but it is somewhat familiar and yet not really. I'll have to give it a bit more time.

“Unsheltered” by Barbara Kingsolver. I’m about half way through and thinking of giving it up. It’s actually very good as you would expect and has various important social messages but I think I need something a bit lighter at the moment.