Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Alice Munro

Susan and Chris have been on a cruise in the Baltics and Susan emailed this today:

"Hi Janice,
We disembarked yesterday and went immediately to the Nobel Museum, which Clare had urged us to see.  I thought of you when I saw the Alice Munro exhibit, which is in one of the photos.  The one of the film suspended from the ceiling is of  the film clips of all the Nobel laureates."

Well, I was very thrilled to get this from Susan. She knows what a big fan I am of Alice Munro. I was trying to get the clip on YouTube but couldn't get it. I did get this wonderful interview and was surprised by how candid she was. So often, she just wants to "get out of town" when she does interviews.

Person 2 Person interview with Alice Munro in 2015 produced by TVO (TV Ontario)

I always have Alice about two feet away from the chair I read in so can dip in at any time. When she won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2013, we completed our set in first editions of her work. We only had to buy a couple of the early ones since she was someone I bought as soon as the book came out.  In those days I usually divided my buying at Munro's and Ivy's in Victoria although I might well have bought the last one on Amazon although I'm not sure.  I'll maybe leave myself with the memory that I didn't!

Thank you, Susan!