Monday, September 03, 2018

Richard and Grace off to Japan today

Well, hopefully.  There is a big typhoon coming so their flight has been delayed 6 hours and will take 3 hours longer than originally scheduled.  I guess they're taking a different route to avoid the storm. Well, of course being a mom I'm worried, but I know they won't go if there are serious concerns and I'm sure the family in Japan will be very aware of potential problems.

Richard sent me his itinerary. So, I get to travel vicariously...very relaxing and no jet lag.  My preferred mode of travel these days :)

They will be going to Osaka, Tokyo, Sapporo, and Kyoto.

They are taking in a Noh Theatre production that is on the short side and there are snacks and saki.  Sounds like a great idea as I recall from my Theatre 120 course at UBC that the traditional productions can be very long and somewhat incomprehensible to Western audiences.

Some images of Noh Theatre