Saturday, September 25, 2021

Sung Fish Company

 I hadn't heard of the Sung Fish Company so I looked it up. It seems one of their specialties is red sea urchin roe. We were first introduced to sea urchin roe when we happened upon a festival devoted to it in the south of France. I think it was 2005. I do have a photo somewhere of Jim eating it. They crack it open for you and then you make a bit of a messy job eating it trying not to cut yourself on the spines. As I recall we had some of those on the street and then went for a special seafood lunch.

We've had it since in Vancouver as sushi. It was a lot easier to eat like that. It seems the Japanese are crazy about it and it's a real specialty. Well, the French were really going for it at this festival but we didn't really encounter it otherwise in France which is not to say it wasn't available.

From the blog of John Denniston

September 23rd, 2021 — A new building for the Sung Fish Company under construction at the corner of Salsbury and Franklin Streets.