Friday, March 13, 2020


Jim just received this notice from one of the people organizing the conference at the University of Toulon.

"Following President Macron's directives, the university has informed us this afternoon that we will not be able to hold the Huxley Symposium here in April."

Well, not surprising after listening to Macron yesterday. On the positive side, Jim has enjoyed working on his keynote and found lots of new stuff. It will be published in the Aldous Huxley Annual. That won't be published until next year so he has lots of time to even add more new stuff he keeps finding....

I'm really glad we decided many months ago to leave our memories of France as they were and not try to do a last farewell trip.

And I'm glad to be in Canada and not Palm Springs at the moment. They had an incredible rainstorm yesterday. Worse than St. Valentine's Day last year. More rain fell since the previous record in 1908. Nicki mentioned that so many things have shut down including the social activities at the place where they're staying and weather not looking that great for the next while. Now, this is really unusual for Palm Springs in March.

Benjamin's photo. At one point on FB, he posted "Our homes are going to wash down the hill!)

Lot's of roads closed due to flooding. I wonder what the final damage will be. They haven't fixed everything from the St. Valentine's Day storm last year.