Sunday, March 29, 2020


And I've decided to do a "flashback" of my blog for a while. I just chose this at random but is seems rather appropriate to the current time.


The Season of Miracles

I've been thinking a lot about two movements that have begun to gain momentum as 2012 winds down.  It would be a joyful irony if real progress was made on these issues at the exact time when the world was apparently supposed to end according to the Mayan calender.

"The Idle No More" and the brave actions of Chief Teresa Spence to address the disastrous state of Aboriginal health and living conditions on First Nations reserves.

Progress on gun control in the US.

These two issues seem almost to have no solution and yet I am reminded that those of us who grew us with the Cuban Missile Crisis,  imminent Nuclear Annihilation,  the Cold War,  and the Iron Curtain never felt that situation would change and yet the "Wall" came tumbling down.

It is the season of miracles.