Friday, July 06, 2018

Paul McCartney's paintings...and Bard on the Beach

We've got tickets for "As You Like It". Bard is doing an interesting performance with lots of Beatles songs. It's almost sold out. Should be fun!

They're making lots of money on it and think it could even go to Broadway. Jim was at a talk today that Christopher Gage (Mr. Bard on the Beach) gave at Brock House. Jim will also be doing a presentation on the play and was asked to entertain the group today as Gage got tied up in traffic due to a fire on 4th Ave. Seems Jim sang a bit of "Under the Greenwood Tree" and they didn't bring out the hook to take him off stage...

From Wiki:

"While at school during the 1950s, McCartney thrived at art assignments, often earning top accolades for his visual work. However, his lack of discipline negatively affected his academic grades, preventing him from earning admission to art college."

So,  I guess we might conclude that his "lack of discipline" led to becoming a famous musician.  Where would we be without the Beatles!