Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Another look at the Andy Warhol

I went to see the exhibit again yesterday and take a tour with a docent.  It was great and I bought the exhibition catalogue...just counldn't resist!  It's just so much fun going to this wonderful art museum and the new Persimmon  Cafe is now open so took some photos which didn't show up quite so well because of the light but I just loved the colours,  the set up,  and also the wallpaper.  When I heard about this wallpaper it sounded very busy and was thinking it wasn't exactly what one wanted after such a feast for the eyes viewing exhibits but I was wrong....wonderful.

Waiting for the docent tour I got a wonderful view of my Henry Moore.

The Cafe...definitely very cool and you can also take the food and drinks out to the sculpture garden.

The catalogue...front.
