Wednesday, July 13, 2016

My old friends...

Just as Jim had to give up 4/5 of this books..."his friends",  I also had to take paintings out of frames and put them away.  I gave away all the frames.  We don't have room for anything else in any permanent way since I want to save some space for new paintings but I looked through them today...all 58 of them.  A lot of these were my early drawings and paintings and they mean a lot to me  so I came up with a way to show them.

I'm going to make a sort of "headboard" and put them up with double sided tape.  Since they're all just paper it won't be a problem in an earthquake.  I figure I can put up around 8-10 at a time.  I think you can get the idea from the photo.

I am going to create a new blog where I will post photos of these "old friends" and also take photos from my art portfolios of the artwork I've given to friends.  Probably around a hundred items.  Cindy, if you are still reading my blog,  thank you,  thank you,  thank you for suggesting keeping a folio of my artwork especially since I was giving away a lot.

I think it will work out.  This is an example of my art portfolio entry for a painting I gave Monique.

Oh,  and I found a few places for a few last paintings and posters....